May 04, 2024

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You may have your biasedness. You have your political leanings. But at the core of your heart, you know that the man Narendra Damodardas Modi is not one who can be corrupted easily. I have never seen political figures as inspiration. Never, Not even Gandhi. Till date, I only had respect for revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh and Azad and their likes. But now I do look up to Modiji. At 70 what must be inspiring him and keeping him motivated? He has no family, does not indulge in pleasure, I am not sure if I have heard about his guilty vices. The only thing he indulges is in clothes at times and for this, I actually respect him. He should shine. After all he is the star who leads India.
Returning to the question, what keeps the man ticking? He has no family, he does not indulge his family members as well, lives a very humble life and does not even have to worry about his lineage. People with lack of responsibilities like this are free, they wish to be free and they wish to be away from power and limelight.
You cannot doubt Mr. Modi's patriotism. He is like a rock.He love for 'Bharat Maa' is as strong a commitment as to his own life.
And patriotism is nothing but sacrifice.
So what is missing in our lives? Why are we sad, depressed, mournful and lack the spirit for starting anything new. Why are we so sapless? We have given into our guilty pleasures and indulge in things we should not. Our dopamine level is at the lowest. We are busy regretting about our past than working towards whatever future that we have.
Even at 70, the man lives and breathes inspiration in every Indian. He is at the dias of every international platform whenever India needs him, he is on the podium of a stage of any rally where BJP needs him, he there in his office when his bureaucrats need him, and finally he is there to tend to his mother when she needs him.
What a man. What a man.
He has done many things, he has said many things and he has thought many things. But never in his 25 years of his political leadership at the state and then at the country level, no one has even insinuated any charge of corruption against Prime Minister Modi, let alone a corruption charge.
Can I become Modi? Can we become Modi? Well, at least we can some of his qualities in us. That would be a good step to begin with.

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